This series of faces started out as just a cartoon figure of my husband inked on Bristol board for a birthday card. It was suggested that I have his face made in to stickers! From there, a demand for face stickers grew! Each portrait has a hashtag for tracking it's placement around the world as people place them where they please. (Follow #fistynono)! The portraits have become less cartoon-ish, more realistic, and more detailed with each new request. The process, however, remains the same... for now! As digital capabilities evolve, so does the process. What was once just pen and ink is slowly growing towards pen and tablet. In 2020, Adobe Fresco took it another step forward! Up until then, all of my digital art has been made in Adobe Illustrator.
All portraits are based on photos provided to me that represent the personalities and facial features of the person being captured. I ask a series of questions about the person to get to know them better. Sometimes I do a little Facebook stalking, you know, for research...:-)